The Programme for ISEC 2024 is subject to change and updates will be made as they become available.

Programme Overview

Time Day 1
24 June 2024
Day 2
25 June 2024
Day 3
26 June 2024
0830 – 0900 Registration for conference Tea reception
0900 – 0930 Keynote 3: Noah Weeth Feinstein Workshops (×4)
More Information »
Tea reception for workshop participants
0930 – 1000 Opening Ceremony
1000 – 1030 Keynote 1: Marilar Jiménez-Aleixandre Concurrent Session 3
1030 – 1100
1100 – 1130 Tea reception
1130 – 1200 Concurrent Session 1 Lunch
1200 – 1230 Lunch for workshop participants
1230 – 1300 Concurrent Session 4
1300 – 1330 Lunch
1330 – 1400 Poster Session »
1400 – 1430 Keynote 2: Jinwoong Song
1430 – 1500 Tea reception
1500 – 1530 Tea reception Keynote 4: Hannah Sevian
1530 – 1600 Concurrent Session 2
1600 – 1630 Keynote 5: Yew-Jin Lee
and Closing Ceremony
1630 – 1700